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Postulant candidates are invited to come forth and stand before the officiating person.

Leader:  We have assembled to accept these candidates into the Secular Order of Jesus, Mary and Joseph for a period of study and discernment for a final promise to be made in the future.  We ask your prayers and support be given to them.

Leader:  Let us Pray:  "Father God, through the intercession of Mary, Our sorrowful Mother, send us the Holy Spirit to confirm our love and blessing to all who are present.  Unite us in heart and mind to allow your love to bring us into your Divine Will.

Leader:  Our Help is in the Name of the Lord.

Response:  who made heaven and earth.

All pray:  Come Holy Spirit of God, come through the powerful intercession of Mary Most Holy.  Come Lord God and possess us for the greater honor and glory of God, Our Father in heaven.  Grant us the gifts of wisdom, understanding, counsel and discernment to properly prepare us for the tasks you have for us from this day onward.  Baptize us with the Holy Spirit so we are empowered to do your work.  We will serve you through Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior.  Amen.

Leader:  What do you ask of us?

Candidates:  We ask to be admitted into the Secular Order of Jesus, Mary and Joseph.   I (we) understand that it is our obligation to pray and discern God's Divine Will during this period of trial for possible final life- time admittance to the Order.  We will study the Rule and items given to us to grow in holiness of life. We desire to serve our Lady within our community or a local ministry.

Leader:  Formation Director or Vocation Director are these candidates prepared and willing to begin the journey of love and service?

Director:  Yes, I have personally interviewed them and recommend them for admittance.

Leader:  You have been found worthy to begin your novitiate with the Secular Order of Jesus, Mary and Joseph..  You are expected to complete all assigned studies and begin your promise to pray for the world in atonement and reparation. Community activities are a source of fellowship and spiritual growth.  We ask you to attend functions as your vocation and state of life permit.

Please pray for us and we promise to pray for you at Mass, in the rosary and the prayer for the Order.

Leader:  Lord Jesus Christ, through the love of the Father and your shed blood, we ask you to forgive us our sins and we forgive those who sin against us.  Free us from all judgment and all evil.  Amen.

Leader:  We are sprinkling all present with Holy water to remind us of our baptismal consecration to love, know and serve God in this life and the next.

Leader Prays: Be set free and be clean.  Jesus drive away from us all evil devices, wiles and temptations. Grant us the grace to keep our hearts and eyes free from the snare of the devil, the world and self.  We ask to be given special graces to pray in the Divine Will of the Father for reparation and atonement for everyone past, present and future.

Leader goes to the table or altar where the rule book, rosary, candle are located.

Leader:  Sprinkles the items and prays:  Lord Jesus Christ, King of Glory, grant  to us your measureless generosity.  Sanctify these items for use in prayer and service.  May those who wear and use them be set free and be protected from all impurity and uncleanness. Keep us from pride, greed and avarice.  May these novices and all here present receive and merit from you your Holy and Divine Presence.  We ask this through Mary, Most Holy.

(Leader gives to each novice:)

RULE BOOK:  Receive the Secular Order  rule of life.  Study it.  Implement it fully in your life for the honor of  the Eternal Father.

DOLOR ROSARY.  The Dolor Rosary is used by the members of the Order for prayer and meditation on the sorrows of Mary.  Our Lady stated:  " Those who propagate this devotion to my tears and dolors, will be taken directly from this earthly life to eternal happiness since all their sins will be forgiven and my Son and  I will be their eternal consolation and joy."

Leader:  Let us pray the consecration to our Lady.

Consecration to Our Lady.  I consecrate myself to your Immaculate Heart, Mary Most Holy.  I choose you this day to be my mother and Queen.  I dedicate all my actions, thoughts and love to you for the triumph of your Immaculate Heart and the second coming of Jesus, your son.  In the Divine Will of God, I ask the Eternal Father to take all my actions, past , present and future and use them for His honor and glory through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

ORDER CROSS:  This cross will be worn by you at community or Order functions.  It is a symbol of our consecration to the Cross.  You will receive a "silver" backed cross when you take your final life time promise.  (Leader places the cross on each novice.)

Leader:  Let us pray.  (Candidates) My Jesus, I consecrate myself this day to your Holy Cross.  Just as you took upon yourself that cross for the sake of all humanity, so I promise to embrace the crosses in my life.  I give all back to you, past, present and future for the atonement and reparation of my sins and the sins of the whole world.  I will begin and end each day at the foot of your cross, together with Mary Most Holy and St. John, our brother.  Amen.

CANDLE:   (Each novice receives a lit candle.)  Leader:  This candle is a symbol of your call to save those souls that still can be saved by being a  light to the world.  The power of your life is Jesus Christ.  We expect you to go forth as an example of good works, praising God perpetually for the mercy he has shown you.  Have a spirit of thanksgiving and joy in your heart and thoughts.  We hope that you will be able to attend Mass and receive the Eucharist as often as your vocation and duty permits. We encourage you to have a holy hour at home  if  eucharistic adoration is not accessible.

Novices pray:  On this day I enter the Secular Order of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I promise to you, my Eucharistic Lord to make reparation and atonement for my sins, the sins of my family, the sins of my Order, the sins of the Church on earth.  Let my life be a sweet incense of prayer and thanksgiving.  I give you all glory, adoration and worship now, and forever.  Amen.

Allegiance to the Holy Father.  (All:)  Eternal God, we swear allegiance to the Holy Father elected by the Holy Roman Catholic Church.  Guard, protect, inspire and lead him to guide our Church and the bishops and priests of the world.

Leader:  Let us pray the Prayer for the Order Vocations.  We will end by singing, Hail Holy Queen.

Leader:  Let us show some sign of appreciation to our new family members.


     Victorious Queen of the Universe, Our Sorrowful Mother, we ask you to intercede for us before the throne of your son, Jesus Christ, and obtain for us his grace to serve you and Him all the days of our lives.  We want to love and serve you in the Divine Will for the glory of the Eternal Father.  Send to all the members of the Secular Order of Mary your blessings and favors.  Grant to our family, benefactors and to those for whom we pray the saving Providence of God.

     O Virgin Mary, Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament pray for us.  Awaken in all the members of the Order of Mary a deep longing for and faithful devotion to the Holy Eucharist. May our prayers join with you for reparation for the sins of the whole world.

     We give all honor, glory, praise and thanksgiving to the Lamb on the throne.  We thank the Holy spirit and our Eternal Father for you.  Thank you for allowing us to be within your protection, O Ark of the Covenant.

Come, Lord Jesus, fulfill the time, so Mary may be victorious over the devil and all who are evil.   Amen.


     Eternal Father, we ask you to send many souls into the harvest field to save those souls who can still be saved.  Victorious Queen of the World, pray for us.  Help us to attract those who will answer your call to holiness.  Annoint with the gift of prayer those souls who will join us in the ministry of atonement and reparation.  We pray for you to send holy priests and holy religious into the service of your Church all for the sake of the Eucharistic King, Jesus, Our Lord and Savior.  Amen.